Before we get started with coding, let's go over a few of the technologies we will be using:

Let's move on to the development of the application. First, we'll create the server that will have just one route, which will accept the files submitted, save them, and return a path to the files. We do this by creating a file at the root of our project folder called server.js, which contains the server setup, Multer configuration, and the sole route of the application.


This file should look like this:

The first section of this code loads all the modules we'll be using in setting up our Express backend. It also instructs Express to load all the files in the public directory into the root directory of the project (that is, it exposes them to be rendered through a call to the file path from the root URL).

Next, we set up the configuration for the multer middleware, telling multer how and where to store received files. In our case, we are saving them in the public/images/uploads directory. Then we instantiate a multer object, passing to it the configuration which we created.

Afterwards, we create the route to which the image will be posted (this is done after we enabled the CORS middleware). On the route definition, we pass the multer middleware, which expects a single file upload. We then return the file path as response data to the caller or return an error if no file is found.

We then run the server on the given port. To run the server, we have to include an entry in the package.json file in the scripts array.

This will enable us to run the server from the terminal, using the following command in the project directory. Terraria all item world download. After that, we can proceed to build our React application to use the server we created.

We proceed by creating a file, app.jswhich will contain our application's main component.

Given the template provided by CodeMix, we'll have an index.js which is the entry point the application. Here we will import our App component and render it.

The index.jsshould look like this:

Now we can proceed to implement the React part of this application. The app.js file should contain the code below:

In the constructor, we initialize the state object of the component. Next, we define the selectImagesmethod which is triggered by the event of the file input field. Here we loop through the FileList object received from the input field, validating and checking to make sure that the files are images (using a property on each file called 'name' in a regular expression match check) and adding the results to the images property on the state object.

Next, we define uploadImages, which is triggered by the event on the submit button. This method loops through the images array in the component state (creating a form containing the next image to be uploaded), sends them as a post request using axios to the upload URL, and, finally, saves each file URL received to the imageUrlsarray in the state. We then handle the event of completion of all uploads using the method on the array of promises returned to the uploaders handle. Autocad electrical symbols download.

Finally, we render each of the images uploaded, using the array of file paths in the object in the state object.


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In this article, we discussed how to create a Node Express backend that accepts file inputs, stores the file, and returns the path to the file for rendering. We also covered interaction with a server which we created using the React framework. How to install elder scrolls total war mod. The method used performs adequately for both single and multiple file (image) uploads.

We also took advantage of the various features presented to us by CodeMix, including application scaffolding, syntax highlighting, and code snippets throughout the development of this application.

The code for this application can be downloaded here.

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web dev ,react.js ,node.js ,express ,web application development
Published at DZone with permission of George Anderson , DZone MVB. See the original article here.

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